
辦公室: SB240
電話:(852) 3943 0527


Ph.D. in Cultural Studies, Lingnan University (2017)




Dr. Sonia Wong Yuk Ying obtained her PhD in Cultural Studies at Lingnan University in 2017, and now teaches Gender Studies at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include lesbian identity, female sexuality, film, new media and local history.

In 2013, she founded Reel Women Hong Kong, the first and only independent film festival in Hong Kong devoted to the promotion of female-created films and art works, as well as gender equality and awareness, in society. In 2018, she founded the first Women’s Festival in Hong Kong with Eaton HK and Sally Coco, aiming at further popularising gender consciousness and diversity.

Apart from being an activist and academic, she is a poet, writer, and visual artist. Her writings on gender and sexualities are frequently featured in local media.


  • GDRS2011- 性別研究的定質研究法
  • GDRS3007 (UGEC3229) – 陽剛特質與社會變遷
  • GDRS3011 (UGED3206) – 女性敘述與香港歷史
  • GDRS3012 (UGED3205) – 中國文化的性別分析
  • GDRS5020 – 性別研究︰方法論


Youth studies, lesbian sexuality, Hong Kong history, popular culture, film and new media



As Author (Forthcoming) Chapter “Schoolgirl Lesbians in Hong Kong: (A)Historicity, Temporality, and Survival” in Queer Youth Histories. Palgrave.

As Editing Assistant (2015) A Companion to Hong Kong Cinema. Wiley-Blackwell.


2018-12-15. 專訪Pussy Riot:我們是誰,為什麼一點也不重要?. 端傳媒網上平台.

2018-07-22. 愛慾錄——變裝皇后Toby Daisy:我索性將名改作菊花. 端傳媒網上平台.

2018-07-12. 世紀.童書閉架:跟隨信仰,還是服從神?. 明報世紀版.

2018-07-11. 世紀.童書閉架:關於「性」,聖經到底說什麼. 明報世紀版.

2018-07-08. 世紀.童書閉架:被禁制的尋找 童話的故事. 明報世紀版.

2018-06-11. #MeToo︰我們其實共同承受著甚麼?. 《虛詞》網上平台。

2018-06-05.《戀戀法式夏季》糖衣下的真實反抗. 01周報.

2017-03-27. 三部電影:科學與宗教如何建構我們的「性別常識」?. 端傳媒網上平台.


2019-01-03. 失眠者情詩。《虛詞》網上平台。

2018-08. 麥快樂——馬玉江個展「夜未央」。《虛詞》網上平台。

2018-05. 給馬克給我— 在蘇富比2018年春拍預展看Mark Rothko的《無題》兩幅.《無形》第一期.

2018-03-07.《紅香爐上》:寫於展覽「無何有之香」後. 立場新聞.


As Author (2015). Unseemingly Lasting. Hong Kong: MCCM Creations.

As Contributor (2017). 香港新詩80後二十二家. 香港:石磬文化.

(2014). 平等.分享.行動. 香港: 突破出版社.

(2012). 感情用事: 關於好戲量十年. 香港: 紅出版.

(2012). 會說話的社會福利. 香港: 圓桌文化.

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