Kuaishou is a popular app in Mainland China and many people record their lives in short videos on it. In this context, many rural women have begun to use short video platforms such as Kuaishou to record their daily lives and try to gain some income. Based this, the speaker proposed some research questions: What motivates them into this industry?What mechanisms shape their cultural production?How do they recognize platform work and life?
To address these questions and examine rural women’s life and work experiences, the researcher used qualitative research and interviewed 17 female creators from rural areas using in depth interviews and digital ethnography.These respondents were young mothers with at least one child. Their average age was 25.3 years and they had a low level of education. Most of them live in poor rural areas.
According to speaker, many of these rural women’s motivations for creating come from family hardship. These women see platform entrepreneurship as an economic pursuit, and short-form video creation as a supplement to paid work.In addition, some rural women choose to create short videos at home instead of going out to work because they have to stay behind to take care of their children. Some of them also suffer from an isolated and depressing married life, and creating short videos becomes a way of self-comfort or self-actualization for them.
Besides, triple governance shapes platform engagement.Family, interpersonal social networks and platform governance shape the expression of rural women creating short videos. The pressure of social networks of acquaintances, the state and platforms’ desire to spread positive energy all require progressive, happy short video content. These deny the plight of rural women and constrain their platform participation. This individualizes structural inequalities.
Many rural women also face the problem of reorganizing their work and life.Blurring production and reproduction work is one.When shooting short videos does not conflict with women’s work and even generates profit. They regain confidence from being mothers with extra income.But this sometimes exposes them to cyber violence. In addition. they will have tighter schedules to work and allocate their time outside the patriarchal vision in the process.Time squeezing and hustling at the periphery are problems. In addition, speakers briefly discussed how to reorganize work and life and suggested directions for further research in the future.
In conclusion, this study examines rural women’s motivations and strategies for promoting platform-based creative entrepreneurship and the mechanisms that shape this process.
撰文:ZHANG, Zheting
撰文:LI, Ang
撰文:LI, Yushan