Why Study MPhil-PhD in Gender Studies?

MPhil normative period: 
2 years
PhD normative period:
3/4 years

HK$44,500 per annum

Application deadline (main round):
1 Dec 2024
Application deadline (clearing round):
31 Mar 2025

General Information

Gender Studies is an interdisciplinary programme with a unifying focus on gender as a theoretical perspective or as a subject of analysis. It allows students to bring together different disciplinary and methodological approaches for the advancement of gender studies.

Commenced in 1998, the M.Phil. Programme in Gender Studies at CUHK is Hong Kong’s first graduate programme in gender studies. The programme emphasizes both theoretical knowledge and research skills.

Supervision and Subject Discipline

Students of MPhil in Gender Studies are usually supervised by a professorial grade teacher of a subject discipline from a respective department at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Subject disciplines include but are not limited to the followings: Anthropology, Chinese Language and Literature, Communication, Cultural Studies, Educational Administration and Policy, English, Fine Arts, Government and Public Administration, History, Japanese Studies, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sociology, Social Work and Translation. A list of our current students and graduates’ supervisor can be found here for reference. For a list of departments at our university, please visit our University’s website.

 The name of the subject discipline will be shown on the graduation transcripts, in the form of “M.Phil. in Gender Studies (subject discipline)” (a sample can be downloaded here). While on the graduation certificates, only the name of “Gender Studies” will be shown.

Who should apply?

Applicants may come from a variety of backgrounds. While a degree in gender studies is not required, applicants should have some knowledge of gender studies and good background in their intended research perspective.

Period of study
Degree Mode Candidacy # Normative Period Maximum Period







Ph.D. (entering with a research master’s degree)









Ph.D. (entering without a research master’s degree)









Summary of the study period, in months

#  Maximum period to pass candidacy requirement, counted from the first entry

For Gender Studies’s courses, lectures are in English. While for discussion and students’ presentation, students can use the language they feel most comfortable with, as long as the lecturers and students concerned understand that language. Meanwhile, most courses use English reading materials.
Coursework Requirements

Required Course of the Gender Studies Programme (9 credit units)

GDRS5010 Gender Studies: Theory or GDRS5011 Introduction to Gender Studies

GDRS5020 Gender Studies: Methodology or GDRS5087 Feminist Methodology

GDRS5030 Advanced Topics in Gender Studies I

GDRS5040 Advanced Topics in Gender Studies II

Course Requirements of the Subject Disciplines

Course requirements vary among different subject departments. The requirements may be adjusted at the discretion of the assigned subject departments. Subject disciplines’ course requirements can be found at the http://www.gs.cuhk.edu.hk/page/PostgraduateStudentHandbook. Students are required to publish their research findings and complete their theses in order to fulfill graduation requirement.

The study scheme is available for your reference.

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