Students Testimonials
“Gender theory gives us a unique lens to analyze the imbalanced power relations within our social structure.”
It is an unforgettable experience to study in the Gender Studies Programme and what I have claimed here is much more than mere knowledge of gender and sexuality. Gender theory gives us a unique lens to analyze the imbalanced power relations within our social structure. It can be men and women, bourgeoisie and proletariats, the heterosexual and queer, and so forth. It could be found in both public and private domains; it might infuriate many peoples or might have been already internalized and taken for granted by society.
I still remember in the first lecture of the programme, the lecturer quoted the famous speech Claim an Education delivered by Adrienne Rich. Since then, I have been pondering over what I wished to acquire from the courses. After the fleeting one-year programme, I can proudly say that what I have learned here is not only part of my thesis, but also part of my life.
To conclude this marvelous year in CUHK, I would like to quote my favorite sentence by feminist scholar Ann Oakley: successful feminist research gives women visibility not only in sociology but more importantly, in society. Hope one day my contribution could make the invisible visible and voice for the voiceless.
– LIU Yue 劉悅, 2020 Master of Arts in Gender Studies graduate
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