Nov 18 2019


媒體:RTHK香港電台 五夜講場 – 哲學有偈傾 2019

中大性別研究課程的講師黃鈺瑩博士和曹文傑博士,在香港電台節目: 《五夜講場 – 哲學有偈傾 2019:點止講女人》裡暢談女性主義。

Oct 31 2019

CUHK Research Revealed Simple Intervention Would Help to Change Children’s Bias to Gender Nonconformity

Prof. Ivy Wong’s research on children’s appraisals of gender nonconformity was reported in a press release by the Society for Research in Child Development and a press conference and press release organized by CUHK.

News clippings in the media:

SRCD Press release  2019-10-24 New Intervention May Help Ease Young Children’s Biases Against Gender-nonconforming Peers

CUHK Press release 2019-10-31CUHK Study Reveals Simple Inventio May Change Young Children’s Biased Perception of Peers Breaking Gender Norms 

Child&Family Blog 2019-10 Gender Nonconforming Children, Particularly Boys, Are Less Popular With Peers

HKET TOPICK 2019-10-31中大研究揭兒童對性別非常規化朋輩存偏見 倡培育多元共融意義 2019-10-31 4歲童已對非常規性別行為存偏見 學者倡及早教育  

SCMP 2019-11-01 Gender stereotyping can be reduced at a young age with proper intervention, study conducted on Hong Kong children finds 

hk01 2019-11-01 中大研究:4歲童對「娘娘腔」行為存偏見 倡及早培育多元意義 

etnet 2019-11-01 歧視「娘娘腔」「與異性結伴」 4歲小童已有性別偏見 

Ming Pao 2019-11-01 研究:男生愛洋娃娃女生短髮難交友 4歲童有「非常規性別」偏見

AM730 2019-11-01 幼童歧視不跟從性別規範朋輩 中大專家︰早介入可減偏見 

HKEJ 2019-11-01 研究揭4歲童已具性別定型觀念

HKET 2019-11-01 對「娘娘腔」朋輩 或4歲已存偏見

Sing Tao Daily 2019-11-01 研究:幼童對非常規性別行為存偏見

Sky Post 2019-11-01 歧視「娘娘腔」「與異性結伴」 4歲小童已有性別偏見 

Aug 07 2019

Liberal Women

Media: RTHK  五夜講場 – 學人串社科 2019(Talk on Social Sciences)

Jun 24 2019

Publication: Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People: Minding the Knowledge Gaps

Prof. Suen Yiu Tung of Gender Studies Programme has co-edited the book Older Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans People: Minding the Knowledge Gaps, published by Routledge.

This book reports on a project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, which aimed to address gaps in knowledge about older LGBT people and their experiences of ageing. Hardback and eBook copy are available, for more information, please click here.

Jun 06 2019

Interview with Prof. Suen Yiu Tung by international press on the top appeals court ruling on spousal benefits to a married gay couple

The top appeals court in Hong Kong issued a ruling granting spousal benefits to a married gay couple on 6 June 2019 and attracted international press coverage. Dr. Suen Yiu Tung, Assistant Professor of Gender Studies Programme, CUHK was interviewed by a number of international news agency such as BBC, Bloomberg and Financial Times etc.

Financial Times:

Jun 03 2019

New Publication: Same-Sex Marriage in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan: Ideologies, Spaces and Developments

The article “Same-sex Marriage in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan: Ideologies, Spaces and Developments” written by Dr. CHO Man Kit, Joseph, Lecturer of Gender Studies Programme, CUHK and Dr. KAM Yip Lo, Lucetta, Associate Professor of HKBU (and also an alumni of our PhD in Gender Studies of CUHK)  will be published in the book Contemporary Issues in International Political EconomyThe physcial copy of the book will be available in July 2019. For preview or Ebook version, please visit:

Mar 11 2019
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