Jun 23 2021

Gay Games

Prof. Suen Yiu Tung, Assistant Professor of Gender Studies Programme, CProf. Suen Yiu Tung, Assistant Professor of Gender Studies Programme, CUHK spoke in the RTHK programme Backchat about Gay Games this morning.UHK spoke in the RTHK programme Backchat about Gay Games this morning.


Media Coverage:

RTHK’s Backchat: Gay Games

Jun 20 2021

As Hong Kong debates the Gay Games, why are they needed at all?

Prof. Suen Yiu Tung of Gender Studies Programme published an opinion piece on the South China Morning Post on the Gay Games on 20 June.


Media Coverage:

South China Morning Post

Jun 19 2021

Gender and sexual inclusion through Gay Games 11

Prof. Suen Yiu Tung, Assistant Professor of Gender Studies Programme, CUHK was invited to The Pulse of RTHK to discuss the topic of Gender and Sexualities Inclusivity in Hong Kong on 19 June 2021, especially on Gay Games Hong Kong 2022.


Media Coverage:

RTHK’s The Pulse: Gender and sexual inclusion through Gay Games 11

Jun 05 2021

文學告白Brunch #6|黃鈺螢談女性詩歌:以溫柔、美麗、感性或愛去作為抵抗,用我的現實令你不舒服

Dr. Sonia Wong, lecturer of the Gender Studies Programme of CUHK, shared the power of poems written by female poets on the Youtube Channel “yatsionce” (一時ONCE).


Media Coverage:

文學告白Brunch #6|黃鈺螢談女性詩歌:以溫柔、美麗、感性或愛去作為抵抗,用我的現實令你不舒服

May 19 2021

WUN Research Group Hosts Gender and (Im)Mobility Conference

Worldwide Universities Network (WUN) posted a news report on the International Conference: Gender and (Im)mobility in Uncertain Times organized by the WUN research group led by Prof. Jing SONG, Assistant Professor of Gender Studies Programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

“We realised that our research focus on gender and mobility has been greatly reshaped by the new global socioeconomic changes and the pandemic, and that we now needed to talk about immobility as well as mobility,” said Prof. Jing SONG.


Media Coverage:

WUN: WUN Research Group Hosts Gender and (Im)Mobility ConferenceWUN Research Group Hosts Gender and (Im)Mobility Conference

May 19 2021


Ming Pao recently interviewed Prof. Han Ling, Assistant Professor in Gender Studies Programme at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, on the social participation of Buddhist Women in Taiwan. Professor Han gave a lecture on  “The Intersection of Humanistic Buddhism and Social Sciences” on May 20, 2021.


Media Coverage:


May 13 2021

The Largest-scale Survey on the Social and Legal Marginalization of Transgender People in Hong Kong so far

In the lead-up to the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (upcoming on 17th May 2021), Prof Suen Yiu Tung and his team launched the results of a survey of 234 transgender people in Hong Kong between 2019 and 2020, the largest survey on the population in Hong Kong so far. The results of the survey document the social and legal marginalization that transgender people face in Hong Kong. The survey results were also discussed in the context of ongoing policy debates about legal gender recognition.


Chinese News Coverage:

1. 明報:中大調查:逾四成跨性別受訪者出入境遭負面對待 有抑鬱症狀

2. 東方: 研究指近8成受訪跨性別人士有自殺念頭 倡設性別身份反歧視法

3. 商業電台:中大調查發現過半跨性別人士曾遭歧視

4. 立場新聞: 研究指近 8 成跨性別人士有自殺念頭 促政府訂性別承認法、反歧視法

5. 眾新聞: 跨性別平權W案後無寸進 中大調查:51%受訪者面對歧

6. HK01: 調查發現近八成跨性別人士曾想過自殺 學者促跟進性別承認法

7. 頭條新聞:中大調查發現 逾半跨性別人士曾遭歧視

8. AM730: 八成跨性別港人想過自殺 專家倡精神健康支援

9. 經濟一週:中大調查|過半跨性別港人曾遭歧視

10. 香港商報: 中大調查:本港近八成跨性別受訪者表示曾遭歧視

English News coverage:

11. RTHK News: Transgender people face broad discrimination: survey

12. SCMP: Three-quarters of transgender people in Hong Kong have considered suicide, Chinese University survey reveals

13. Hong Kong Free Press: Half of transgender people in Hong Kong face discrimination, CUHK research shows

14. The Standard: Half of transgenders face discrimination: survey

Live radio programme current affairs:

15. RTHK Hong Kong Today (13 May)

Mar 04 2021

Congratulations on Siu Cho (Dr. Cho Man Kit Joseph)

Congratulations on Siu Cho (Dr. Cho Man Kit Joseph), lecturer of Gender Studies Programme on winning the Exemplary Teaching Award 2020 of Faculty of Social Science! We are really glad the high quality teaching of our staff is recognized and hope to offer even more to our students and society in the future.

Jan 08 2021

Zoom Link for Classes of BSSc in Gender Studies

For the start of Term 2 2020-21, CUHK will be using Zoom as a platform for online teaching. If you are a CUHK student and interested in auditing the first two classes of the term for consideration of adding or dropping the courses, please refer to this pdf file for the links to the Zoom classes. (CUHK students only)

Dec 14 2020

Prof Fanny Cheung received the Denmark-Gunvald Award 2020

Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychology and one of the founding members of Gender Studies Programme, Prof Fanny Cheung received the Denmark Gunvald Award from the International Council of Psychologists in 2020.

The Denmark-Gunvald Award for Feminist Research and Service (details can be found here: https://icpweb.org/awards/denmark-gunvald-award/ ) is presented to honor a psychologist who has a history of research and service that directly benefits the health, promotion and well-being of women in the world.

We feel very proud that Prof Cheung has got this well-deserved recognition for her pioneering work and it places CUHK psychology and gender research in the international map.

The award was presented at the Awards Ceremony via Zoom during the ICP Conference on Sunday, December 13th at 3:30 pm EST. Prof Cheung’s acceptance speech is now available to download until the end of December. You may click this link to download:


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