
CUHK Research Revealed Simple Intervention Would Help to Change Children’s Bias to Gender Nonconformity

Prof. Ivy Wong’s research on children’s appraisals of gender nonconformity was reported in a press release by the Society for Research in Child Development and a press conference and press release organized by CUHK.

News clippings in the media:

SRCD Press release  2019-10-24 New Intervention May Help Ease Young Children’s Biases Against Gender-nonconforming Peers

CUHK Press release 2019-10-31CUHK Study Reveals Simple Inventio May Change Young Children’s Biased Perception of Peers Breaking Gender Norms 

Child&Family Blog 2019-10 Gender Nonconforming Children, Particularly Boys, Are Less Popular With Peers

HKET TOPICK 2019-10-31中大研究揭兒童對性別非常規化朋輩存偏見 倡培育多元共融意義 2019-10-31 4歲童已對非常規性別行為存偏見 學者倡及早教育  

SCMP 2019-11-01 Gender stereotyping can be reduced at a young age with proper intervention, study conducted on Hong Kong children finds 

hk01 2019-11-01 中大研究:4歲童對「娘娘腔」行為存偏見 倡及早培育多元意義 

etnet 2019-11-01 歧視「娘娘腔」「與異性結伴」 4歲小童已有性別偏見 

Ming Pao 2019-11-01 研究:男生愛洋娃娃女生短髮難交友 4歲童有「非常規性別」偏見

AM730 2019-11-01 幼童歧視不跟從性別規範朋輩 中大專家︰早介入可減偏見 

HKEJ 2019-11-01 研究揭4歲童已具性別定型觀念

HKET 2019-11-01 對「娘娘腔」朋輩 或4歲已存偏見

Sing Tao Daily 2019-11-01 研究:幼童對非常規性別行為存偏見

Sky Post 2019-11-01 歧視「娘娘腔」「與異性結伴」 4歲小童已有性別偏見 

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