Date: 18 Oct 2023 (Wed)
Time: 12:30 – 14:00
Venue: Chen Kou Bun Building 109 (CKB 109) (In person)
Speaker: Dr Tangi Yip (Postdoctoral Fellow, Gender Research Centre, HKIAPS, CUHK), Prof. Susanne Choi (Professor, Department of Sociology, CUHK)
Moderator: Professor Song Jing (Associate Professor, Gender Studies Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Cyberspace facilitates the occurrence of sexual harassment and creates new experiences of harms. Although online/offline world is often perceived as separated, we argue that harm induced by online sexual harassment (OSH) transcends cyberspace and interacts with social world. This paper asks 1) what are types of harm produced by OSH; 2) how harm is situated with relational context. In other words, how do different relationships collectively produce victims’ experiences of harm? Our findings were based on data collected through in-depth interviews with 37 young people aged between 19 and 31 who have experienced OSH. Our findings are as follows: first, emotional harm (e.g. feelings of fear and disgust) was the most common among our respondents, followed by psychological harm. Second, when OSH was committed by known harassers, victims often felt uncertain towards their victimization. They might endure the experience and even defend the harassers. Third, when some victims reported their experience to institutions or informally shared with people they trust, they might be held accountable or ridiculed for their victimization. These responses further discouraged them from disclosing the experience or seeking help. Fourth, we found that trusting relationship, and greater gender and sexual awareness could empower victims and reduce their harm. The conclusion and implications will also be discussed.
Speaker’s Biography:
Dr. Tangi YIP is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Gender Research Centre, HKIAPS in The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include gender, marriage and family, housing, and cyber violence.
Professor Susanne Yuk Ping Choi is Professor at the Department of Sociology, and Co-Director of the Gender Research Centre at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research interests include migration, gender, family, and sexuality in Chinese societies. She has published over 40 journal articles in world leading journals, including American Journal of Sociology, Sociology, British Journal of Sociology, Journal of Marriage and Family, Sociology of Health and Illness, the China Quarterly, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies etc.
Language: English
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