
Enacting Mundanity: How Digital Technologies Shape Gendered Transnational Eldercare

The speaker Jeanny Jiying HUANG shared the theoretical approach of her research at the beginning, that is, digital technologies seen as ‘finished’ or ‘ready-made’ entities are relatively undertheorized in transnational family research whereas the transparent technology is engaged in many relations. Thus the researcher proposed three research questions:

l How do people perceive transnational care?

l How do people and technology co-operate to make care exist as they understand it?

l How are gender and technology mutually shaped in transnational care practices?

The study employed remote in-depth interviews to collect data from 39 transnational families in China. To answer the first research question, the researcher found that caring is immigrant adult children’s selection of what to care about and what to care about is the cooperation with people and digital technology. The researcher also mentioned that class plays an important role in the case of transnational elder care. For example,people perceive to care about emotional rather than financial condition. As a result, the technology focuses on and facilitates the demand for emotions and for sharing everydayness. Such demands equalize the expectations of gender roles and shape the way transnational children become good sons and daughters. As for the gender practice, men are more likely to communicate with their fathers, while women become dominant in communicating with their mothers. Another important finding is that because the lens of a video phone limits the range of what a person can observe, presence and absence can be emphasised, blurred, or even hidden by adjusting the lens. As a consequence, even when both parents are in the same space at the same time, the frequency of their “presence” on camera is not equal.

Written by: WANG, Xiaoqing


Today’s topic is about how do transnational family doing caretaking and elder caretaking. Congressional family means the parents are left behind in the home country while their daughter and son are migrants in the host country. Recent years, within the development about the digital technology, there is a significant involvement in the digital technology in the transnational family. It includes the examination of ICTs, text messages, video calls, voice calls, social media posts or likes, digital photographs and videos. These digital technology transforms the immigrant experience from disruption to ongoing intimacy across distance.

The speaker uses doing gender theory in her article, which is, gender is an achievement, it is a situated doing, an emergent feature of social situations formed along the way. Her research questions are as follows. How do people perceive transnational care? How do people and technology co-operate to make care exist as they understand it? How are gender and technology mutually shaped in transnational care practices? This study employs remote in-depth interviews to collect data from 39 transnational families in China. All interviews were based on a semi-structed interview protocol that lasted between 50 minutes to 3 hours.

Within-country caregiving is categorized into four types of care: practical financial, personal, and emotional/moral support. Caring is immigrant adult children’s selection of what to care about, and what to care about is the cooperation with people and digital technology. The study found that class plays an important role in defining and for old age, remittances are a denial of their individual abilities. Besides, no remittance is a result of both the affordance of technology and what people choose to care for. As for the process of enacting mundanity, the researcher found that transnational relationship through digital technology heavily rely on sharing everydayness, and such demands equalize the expectations of gender roles. Men are more likely to communicate with their fathers and women become dominant in communicating with their mothers.

To conclude, offspring, both men and women, need to contribute emotional value and acquire “small talk” skills.

Written by: WANG, Zijie



Written by: WANG, Ziqi







Written by: YANG, Yuqing

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