CHO Man Kit Joseph | Ph.D. in Gender Studies, CUHK (2012) |
Position: | Lecturer |
Telephone: | 3943 9313 |
Fax No.: | 2603 7223 |
Email Address: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Courses Taught: |
GDRS1002 – Feminist Theories GDRS3006 (UGEC3204) – Living Feminisms GDRS4009 – Internship GDRS5010 – Gender Studies : Theory GDRS5011 – Introduction to Gender Studies GDRS5083 – Making Change: Feminism, Civil Society and Social Transformation |
Research Interest: | feminist theories, gender and queer theory and politics, restorative justice, and nonviolence |
Introduction: | Dr. CHO Man-kit Joseph, aka siu CHO, received his PhD in Gender Studies in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interest is about the formation of sexual modernity and queer theory. He has been active in the local LGBTQ activism and is currently the executive co-director of Nu Tong Xue She, a Hong Kong-based LGBTQ group. Dr. Cho is a vice-editor of the Chinese Sexual Rights Research, an annual journal published by the World Association of Chinese Sexologists. He has been appointed by the HKSAR Government to the Advisory Group on Eliminating Discrimination against Sexual Minorities. |
Selected Publications |
CHO, M.K. Joseph, Trevor Y.T. Ma and Lucetta Y.L. Kam. “Feminist Activism in Hong Kong: Cross-Border Politics, Ethnicity and Class Before and After 1997.” In Handbook of Gender in East Asia, edited by Jieyu Liu and Junko Yamashita, 95-105. London and New York: Routledge, 2020. CHO, M.K. Joseph and Lucetta Y.L. Kam. “Same-Sex Marriage in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan: Ideologies, Spaces and Developments.” In Contemporary Issues in International Political Economy, edited by Fu-Lai Tony Yu and Diana S. Kwan, 289-305. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. 曹文傑、金曄路、賴婉琪。「千禧年後的香港同志運動圖像:連結、衝突和限制」,收於《社運年代:香港抗爭政治的軌道》,鄭煒、袁瑋熙編,115-140。香港:香港中文大學出版社,2018。
曹文傑、金曄路、賴婉琪(編著)。《我城我性:香港性/別日常》。香港:圓桌精英,2017 CHO, Man-kit. “Sexual Citizenship: East Asia.” In The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies, edited by Nancy Naples, Renee C. Hoogland, Maithree Wickramasinghe and Wai Ching Angela Wong. Malden, MA: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2016. CHO, Man-kit. “Moral Populism: Accounting for the Backlash against Gender and Sexual Justice in Hong Kong,” Reconstruction: Studies in Contemporary Culture Vol.15, No2 (2015). 曹文傑。「向邊緣進發的同志運動」。《人.性II-誰不是酷兒?本土酷兒神學初探》,胡露茜、麥明儀編,213-234。香港:香港基督徒學會,2014。 曹文傑(與何春蕤及方剛合寫)。「2012年兩岸三地華人性權報告」。《華人性權研究》,(2013):5-26。 曹文傑。「道德民粹:性、身體和民主的新政治結盟」。《新道德主義》,甯應斌編,175-191。中壢,台灣:中央性/別研究室,2013。 曹文傑(與何春蕤及方剛合寫)。「2011年兩岸三地華人性權報告」。《華人性權研究》,(2012):5-32。 曹文傑。「色情查禁的兒童想像」。《本土論述2011》,本土論述編輯委員會編。台北:漫遊者文化出版,2012。 曹文傑(與何春蕤及方剛合寫),「2010年兩岸三地華人性權報告」,《華人性權研究》,(2011):5-31。 曹文傑。「家計會.現代.性」。《重寫我城的歷史故事》,許寶強編,101-111。香港:牛津出版社,2010。 曹文傑。「如影隨形:同性戀與家庭政治」。《連結性》,何春蕤編,277-304。中壢,台灣:中央性/別研究室,2010。 曹文傑。「失序的時代.身體的自處」。《寫在下一次金融海嘯之前》,許寶強編,200-209。香港:進一步,嶺南大學文化研究系,2010。 曹文傑(與何春蕤及方剛合寫)。「2009年兩岸三地華人性權報告」。《華人性權研究》,2 (2010): 5 - 28。 CHO, Man-kit. “The Journey of Hong Kong’s Tongzhi Movement.” Journal of Asian Women’s Resource Centre for Culture and Theology Vol.29, No.3 (Septemter, 2010):4-9. 曹文傑(與何春蕤及方剛合寫),「2008年兩岸三地華人性權報告」,《華人性權研究》,3 (2009): 5 - 24。 曹文傑,「以保護之名-兒童性侵犯與兒童性權的侵犯」,《兒童性侵犯:聆聽與尊重》,趙文宗編,196-213。香港:圓桌文化,2009。 CHO, Man-kit, “The Journey of Hong Kong’s Tongzhi Movement,” “One Country, Two Systems” A Ten-Year Experiment and Beyond, edited by Rose Wu, 79-87. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Christian Institute, 2007. Selected Conference, Symposium and Seminar Presentation 2016 2015 2012 2011 2011 2011 曹文傑。「愛滋病與性地景:香港愛滋病政策」,性/別政治與本土起義,香港中文大學性別研究課程、香港中文大學宗教及文化研究系主辦,香港,2011年4月15至17日。 2010 CHO Man-kit. “Mapping the Sexual Landscape: The Case of the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong,” 2010 Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, organized by the Association of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 17-21 June, 2010. 2009 |