



When and how can I apply for minoring in Gender Studies?

Application for Program Change” under CUSIS will be open from early October to end of May of each academic year for students to declare minor or to make changes/ cancellation to the declared minor subject(s). For details, please refer to RES homepage: http://www.res.cuhk.edu.hk/

Electives substitution issues

If you have studied General Education (UGE) courses that are double-coded with elective courses of minor in Gender Studies, you can apply for course substitution. For example, you can substitute GDRS3005 with UGEC3203.

Please submit your application by downloading the form for course substitution/exemption at the website of RES and submit it to our programme office.


地址:  新界沙田香港中文大學崇基學院信和樓250室
電話:  (852) 3943 4320
傳真:  (852) 2603 7223
電郵:  genderstudies@cuhk.edu.hk
網址:  https://www.gender.cuhk.edu.hk
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